Baylola 1600W Paddle Plaster Mixer Review

If you are like me the quality of all my best plastering tools is of absolute importance. I never compromise on the standards that I expect my tools to have.

This is because, over the years I have come to realise that whenever I purchase a tool with superior quality, even if it comes at a higher price-point, I benefit from better performance, longevity, and generally exceptional user experience. The same case applies to paddle plaster mixers, even more so.



Are you looking for a low-cost, durable and user-friendly plaster mixer?

The Bayola Paddle Plaster Mixer fits the bill on the price but how about versatility, durability and usability?

You can use this plaster mixer for a wide variety of applications, including but not limited to mixing plaster, cement, paint, grout, mortar, and render.

At the core of its exceptional performance are its features. It has plenty of features that make it one of the best-performing hand-held mixers around. Importantly though, it has a stellar balance of features.

As such, it has the ample capabilities for you to use in any project that you have, whilst still being simple, intuitive, and easy. You can rest assured that you will enjoy working with this Baylola Paddle Mixer.



Features & Benefits of the Baylola Paddle Plaster Mixer

For a better understanding of Baylola Plaster Mixer features and how they benefit users, it is important to explore its features in details.


#1. Powerful and Robust Motor System

Are you interested in a powerful plaster mixer? The Baylola Paddle Mixer has a 1600W heavy-duty motor. The electric motor produces ample torque to handle a wide array of tasks including mixing stones, cement, grout, plasters, and much more. Owing to this powerful electric motor, this is the only paddle mixer you will need for all the applications you have in mind.

Additionally, the motor comes with an electronic overload protection feature that prevents the motor from overheating when you put it under extreme and continuous load. This mixer also comes with the standard 3-Pin plug and you can run it on a 240V main electricity supply.


#2. Variable Speed

If you understand the intricate experience of mixing, you should know that absolute power is not the only important feature that a motor should have. It should have ample power for each specific application. Being under-power or over-power will result in underperforming or spilling. As such, the designers of the Baylola Paddle Plaster Mixer have included a variable speed feature to allow its users to match the speed of the mixer with the viscosity of the substance they are working on.


#3. Electronically Controlled Soft Start

This is another feature that improves the overall user experience the Baylola Plaster Mixer yields. The electronically controlled soft start allows users to reduce negate the possibility of causing material spits and spills upon starting the mixer.


#4. Ergonomic Design

It is also ergonomically designed. It is fitted with two handles for a firm comfortable grip whilst using the mixer. The design of the mixer lends itself to robust a user-friendly experience. For instance, you can whisk your work material using the mixer and pour the material at the same time, something you can comfortably do with few other mixers.


#5. Professional Mixing Paddle

The mixer comes with a heavy duty paddle that has 360 degrees double helix head. The paddle is galvanized and heavy-duty welded for longevity and robust performance.



There are plenty of positives that you can attribute to this plaster mizer. Some of them include:

  • Built to last – the mixer is designed and built to last. Every aspect about the mixer (design, materials used, motor, etc.) has been intricately designed and engineered to last very long with little to no deterioration in performance.
  • Another positive attribute is its perfect balance of features. It has plenty of features that are designed to perform intuitively. However, the features do not get in the way of using the mixer. They work together to yield a superior user experience.
  • It is very ergonomic. This is a consideration that cannot be overstated enough.



Even though there are plenty of positive, it does have its drawbacks. Chief among the drawbacks include:

  • Short paddle. For some users, the paddle is too short.
  • Inferior-quality flexes. Although not a rampant problem, there are some users who have experience burned flex.



Baylola Paddle Plaster Mixer performs its function well ensuring that you can conduct your DIY project that needs mixing with ease.

While this mixer isn’t my favourite reviewed on The Swindon Plasterer, for the price range I can recommend this paddle mixer for non-professional plasterers.

4.5/5 - (2 votes)

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