This website and domain name are for sale.

The domain name “” was originally registered by a Plastering company in 2012 and, as far as I’m aware, has never expired. The current design of the website was created after purchasing the domain in 2018/2019 and hasn’t been touched since although some blog posts were created during the redesign phase.

This domain and website organically ranked in the first page of Google for “swindon plasterer” due to its existing Google relevancy (plastering/building services) and domain age.

The domain name and website will be sold as a package. I was intending to rent this out for a monthly fee (including WordPress hosting and maintenance), however, I would rather sell everything now,

This package can be purchased via Godaddy Auctions here:

The package includes:

  • domain name “”
  • existing WordPress website (with content)
  • backup of existing website for you to transfer to your own website hosting
  • transfer of the domain name to your own account (currently it is on Namecheap)


I do provide fast and reliable WordPress hosting so, if you would prefer, I can host it for £150 per year after the sale has gone through. I will include the first year for free if this package is bought through the “Buy Now” option on the Godaddy auction page. I can also provide WordPress maintenance and website modification services, if required, on an hourly rate. I do not provide SEO services.

Please contact me to discuss further: (0118) 328-2599


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