This website (and domain) is for sale

This website and domain name are for sale. The domain name “” was originally registered by a Plastering company in 2012 and, as far as I’m aware, has never expired. The current design of the website was created after purchasing...
Nordstrand 1800W Pro Portable Hand-Held Mixer Review

Nordstrand 1800W Pro Portable Hand-Held Mixer Review

Nordstrand 1800W Pro Portable Hand-Held Mixer Review

Over the past year, I have worked in the industry of masonry construction, where I have spent many hours working with concrete by mixing the material in a bulky and large cement mixer. The mixer was very heavy and needed to be rolled to get it from one place to the next on job sites. I was still new to this type of work and I was not aware there were other options available.

One day the foreman overheard me talking about my grievances about the mixer where he made a suggestion that I invest in one of the latest hand mixers opposed to using the heavy duty and old equipment. When I heard that there were other options, I immediately started to conduct my own online research. If you are struggling with one of the outdated heavy-duty mixers, you should definitely think about investing in an upgrade in association to the latest handheld alternatives. These are ideal for the mid-viscosity liquids such as plaster, cement, mortar, and glue.

The size does, however, limit these products to the small onto mid-sized batches, which is usually the only standout drawback.

Vitrex MIX1400L Power Mixer Review

Vitrex MIX1400L Power Mixer Review

Vitrex Mix1400L Review – Using the huge and heavy power mixers has been quite uncomfortable through the years that I have used them. It is impossible to tell you how many pain relievers I have had to take due to using them. Believe it or not, sometimes I would rather use a stick to mix up the concrete if that meant not picking up a big mixer. If you have spent time working in masonry or construction, you may have felt this way, too. Yes, power mixers may be efficient, but they are far from comfortable. The good news is, lightweight and portable mixers have been making their way to the market. At first, I wasn’t too interested in them since I already had a heavy-duty mixer and I didn’t think the new mixers would be able to handle mixing. Thank goodness my wife talked me into investing in one of these mixers and it literally saved my back.

Plastering Requires Careful Planning

Plastering Requires Careful Planning

How To Plan Your Next Plastering Job Properly If you are trying to find someone to do some plastering work for you, you will want to look on the Internet. No matter what type of job you have, it will be easy for you to find a job offer from the Internet that matches...

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